I give El-Fadel Arbab so much respect for being so intelligent in this situation. Many others would hide out and wait for sunlight to leave with their group. Arbab was smart enough to realize that being with a group will not help you. Being with a group of people will only make you more obvious for others. Daylight will also make it much easier to be spotted. With Arbab’s dark complexion, he was easily hidden in the dark of night. Then someone comments below the article and questions the validity of Arbab’s statement that he “survived hyenas, tigers and snakes in the woods.” For someone to go through so much and then be open to sharing their story with others is a phenomenal. Most people would be too scarred or scared to go out and speak to groups of people about such a tragedy.
El-Fadel Arbab was left to suffer. They threw him in a burning building with many others and left him to suffer and die. This isn’t an automatic death. They left him there alive with flames swarming him, burning his face and body. I don’t see someone could treat another human-being this way. I do think it is great that people are getting educated on what is going on aroind them and are being taught to be accepting. Tolerance is so important and all people should be taught how to be tolerant. With the accepting community in Portland, a hundred Darfurians have been saved from the tragedies in the Sudan.
El-Fadel Arbab